
Ascension soulstice rising
Ascension soulstice rising

And you see right through those who choose to live their lives in a fake role. Of course, they may choose not to and will become quite upset if you change the rules of the “game.” For you, you simply cannot abide games, lies or deception any longer. Remember that when you stand in the Power of your Authenticity, it helps others do the same…if they choose to. It takes being fully honest with yourself and not holding back from others in order to keep your old mask on to keep the peace. buh-bye!” If you’re willing to drop your old people-pleasing patterns and step more into your Authentic Self, it helps greatly to move gracefully through this powerful time. We can feel the build-up, can’t we? Emotions are more intense and those lower emotions from separate ego are right in our faces saying, “Whatcha gonna to do about it?!” Well, what are you going to do about it? Will you play the victim to them or take a stand and say, “No more. And the energy will continue from there, as dates are only a guidepost. So you see, not only are we in one Gateway, it immediately is followed by the most powerful Lion’s Gate.

#Ascension soulstice rising full

The Full Moon, our 2nd Full Moon of the month, on July 31 (in the U.S.) helps to further empower this Gateway. Each day brings more Light and more Power onto Earth and into us as we build in momentum. and female and male energies), we prepare for the culmination of this Gateway at the Lion’s Gate. As we use the Power of this Gateway to merge as One (Soul and ego. This Gateway helps the separate ego be what it is intended to be and that is the expressor of Soul in all ways. In the past it seemed as though separate ego and Soul were in conflict. Her main essence is Courage…Courage to transcend the small separate ego and step more completely into the fully integrated ego having Soul and ego be One.

ascension soulstice rising

The Magdalen Gateway brings with it the vibration of The Magdalene.

ascension soulstice rising

Please know that the Divine Feminine holds both sexes within and the Power is in manifesting our creations, which is a blending of both female (creativity) and male (manifestation). The Magdalen Gateway, the shift we are currently in, helps us prepare for the Lion’s Gate by empowering the Divine Feminine in each of us. Eight symbolizes Power and certainly, Power to be all that we are is what we each are guided to be. The current shift is extremely powerful as it leads right up to the Lion’s Gate on August 8th.

ascension soulstice rising

As you already know, we have had bigger and bigger shifts, one right after the other, with hardly any time to take a break in-between.

Ascension soulstice rising